Our high SRF power thin film inductors adopt magnetic shielding design, which can eliminate electromagnetic interference, and the surface mount packaging meets EIA standards. Highly compact in size, achieving ultra-high SRF and excellent current processing capabilities.
Our latest generation of high-performance, high-frequency molded power inductors adopt ultra small sizes, achieving a perfect balance between soft saturation, handling large currents, and high efficiency.
Our high current flat wire inductors have extremely low DC resistance, making them more efficient. The rated current of these magnetic shielding inductors can reach the highest standard.
Our high current flat wire inductors have extremely low DC resistance, making them more efficient. The rated current of these magnetic shielding inductors can reach the highest standard.
Our high current flat wire inductors have extremely low DC resistance, making them more efficient. The rated current of these magnetic shielding inductors can reach the highest standard.